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Customer Experience and the Patient Journey

December 2022

A DHC Group Project

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Customer Experience and the Patient Journey

This DHC Group POV explores how individual stakeholders within pharma companies can impact the patient experience. Included are insights derived from the 2022 DHC Summit, hosted by Genentech and the DHC Group, as well as additional consumer-level data points provided by Healthline Media that provide important context of audience behavior and attitudes. Additionally, the POV concludes with an editorial by our industry’s leading expert on customer experience, Medallia’s Richard Schwartz.

Featuring Four Key CX Themes


Rethink The Patient Journey – How PatientCentricity Truly Looks


Collaboration is Key – Inside and Outside of the Organization


The Message Matters – And So Does Method of Delivery


Learn from the Data – And then Adapt

A Practical Example – Genentech Clinical Trials

This cross-organizational success story is a result of Genentech and Roche teams recognizing that a patient pain point existed around the ability to locate and navigate clinical trial availability. The teams co-created a new resource designed to solve that patient problem. More than just a digital interface tool, thanks to the involvement of the study teams, there is an impressive backend process at work as well. Vanessa Braganza, Medical Digital Strategy Senior Director, U.S. Medical Affairs, Genentech explained how that developed internally.

We evolved our medical processes. Clinical Study teams create patientfocused language explaining their study. They can't write it the way that a doctor would understand it. They have to write it so that a patient can understand it. It then goes through review and approval, and can be published on our clinical trials patient website. So these are new steps, new processes that we haven't had to do prior, but we're doing now in order to be more patient-centric.
Vanessa Braganza
Medical Digital Strategy Senior Director, U.S. Medical Affairs, Genentech

The early results have demonstrated the value in this patient-centered shift, with favorable feedback to date and an increasingly smooth customer experience.

Highlighting Patient Data from Healthline Media’s Consumer Surveys, such as a look at how content conveyed in an audience’s native language can significantly impact message receptivity:



showed interest in viewing more articles and videos of medical conditions created with a Spanish speaking audience in mind



want to hear personal stories from individuals within the Spanish community living with Type 2 Diabetes



value a medical recommendation in Spanish to help provide a better understanding of the condition

Source: Healthline Media Survey fielded in Spanish