Newsletter - February 2022

Featured Content

Return to Work and Structuring for Innovation
Via DHC & Pharma Marketing Network →
In a live conversation hosted by the DHC Group and the Pharma Marketing Network, Jeff Fayer (Novartis) was joined by Mark Bard (DHC Group), R.J. Lewis (eHealthcare Solutions) and Dan Hoffman (Otsuka) to look at the results of a recent survey of over 70 pharma marketers on the topics of Return to Work and Industry Innovation Trends. Our panel agreed that the survey was an accurate reflection of what they are seeing individually, and provided helpful context to the findings.
Read Full Summary → | Access Webinar & Survey Results →
DHC Partner Insights

Future of Work
Via McKinsey →
The world of work is changing. Artificial intelligence and automation will make this shift as significant as the mechanization in prior generations of agriculture and manufacturing. While some jobs will be lost, and many others created, almost all will change. The COVID-19 crisis accelerated existing trends and caused organizations to reevaluate many aspects of work. This regularly updated collection of articles draws together perspectives on the future of work, workforce, and workplace.
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The Future of Work: A Manifesto
Via CMI Compas →
The Future of Work is on everyone’s minds. What can we learn from the impact of the pandemic? What working style and environment makes people happy? How do you customize the experience? CMI Media Group and Compas have found enormous value in listening, and are transparent in sharing what they have learned and changed. See their approach to supporting their employees in this “manifesto.”
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Structuring for Innovation at MedPage Today By Bringing in the Specialists
Via Everyday Health Professional→
How does a publisher rise to the challenge of an ever-changing world of new COVID-19 variants and hybrid marketing needs? We adapt. As we develop novel initiatives and improve our existing sales products, we are looking inward to utilize the talent and skills we already have to propel our innovation strategies into the future. Meet Catherine Cantone: Senior Manager, Innovation.
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Insights on Return to Work and Innovation Trends
Via Relevate Health →
Jeff Spanbauer, CEO of Relevate Health offers his perspective on how scaling pharma and biotech brands nationally through local HCP engagement is innovation driven and yields benchmark-beating results. Jeff shares how they are deliberately working to spark innovation by committing their three (3) most important assets: people, time, and budget.
When considering Return to Work, Jeff explains how the addition of key pharma clients, and a C-suite expansion has transformed the way Relevate Health works, with or without the pandemic. Find out what Jeff identifies as three key factors essential to work right now.
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Twitter: the best channel to reach HCPs?
Via Underscore Marketing →
Social media is no longer an afterthought but a key part of a holistic omnichannel marketing strategy, with a rise in intra-physician communication backed by social listening data bringing Twitter to the fore. But with an abundance of platforms, where do you allocate your budget, and at what levels? Read Underscore Marketing’s POV to uncover high-value tactics to get the most out of HCP marketing with Twitter, as well as other key considerations to ensure you employ the optimal channel mix to reach your target audience.
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Are You Providing Patient Support or Creating a Patient Experience?
Via ZS Associates →
As life sciences companies shift to provide patients with personalized treatment support and deliver the type of seamless experience they expect from consumer brands, their efforts have been stymied by siloed data sources and a patchwork of various technologies. ZS has found opportunities for CRM systems to support the enablement of meaningful patient experiences in a new era or care across four key phases of the patient journey: activate, get, start and stay.
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Get Involved

DHC Virtual Summit Coming Soon
Hosted with Bayer on Digital Health Trends
Dates will be announced soon!

HCP Engagement Summit
DATE: March 9, 2022
On March 9 @ 12 PM EST, join the Pharma Marketing Network and industry experts from Novo Nordisk, Esai, GSK, Otsuka and more for part 1 of a 2 part series on HCP engagement. Get insights on restructuring your content strategy, how to move omnichannel from vision to value, and marketing at the speed of digital.
Register Now →
DHC Partner News
DHC Content

Now On-Demand - The Year Ahead: Insights From Pharma Executives
In this webinar DHC Co-Founder Mark Bard and Executive Director Christine Franklin shared the results of the DHC’s Year Ahead survey. Key data points included return to work plans, key areas of intended innovation in 2022, and insights on changes in structure.
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