Newsletter - April 2021

hcp engagement trends

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hcp engagement trends

HCP Engagement Trends

Via DHC →
At next week’s DHC Virtual Summit, speakers will focus on HCP engagement trends as well as the future of customer experience. This summary of a recent DHC Summit panel on Why and How to Humanize Your Brand moderated by CMI Media Group’s COO Eugene Lee is an ideal read before-hand. Along with a look at how each panelist defined the unifying concept of the “human-centric approach” these experts provided key insights on how to focus efforts toward the right goal.

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DHC Partner Insights

Getting HCP Social Media Right

Getting HCP Social Media Right on the Big Four

Via LiveWorld→
Every social media platform fills a different function in an HCPs’ life and practice; how well you understand those nuances can be the difference between a successful campaign or one that falls flat. This eBook will help you think about how to use these public channels in your social media strategy for HCPs.

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Reaching HCPs in a post-COVID world

Beyond the Barriers - Reaching HCPs in a post-COVID world

Via meltmedia →
No-see restrictions for healthcare professionals may begin to ease, but that doesn’t mean setting appointments with HCPs will be easy. So, how do you move your HCP communication strategy forward?

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Future of Physician Engagement

The Future of Physician Engagement

Via Sermo →
As healthcare providers work hard to adapt to drastic changes to their practice, healthcare educators and marketers must also adapt to ensure we’re providing the right support. A large share of providers surveyed in Sermo's HCP Sentiment Series in February 2021 report the pandemic has impacted how they engage with pharma. Take a look at some of these key learnings in this article.

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Data Driven Marketing Boosts Campaign ROI

Data-Driven Marketing Boosts Campaign ROI: InStep Health’s Dan Wilmer

Via InStep Health →
Today’s healthcare marketers have better methods for ensuring their brand messaging efforts reach the patients who are most likely to be in search of advice from doctors and pharmacists wherever they are. InStep Health’s EVP and Chief Product Officer, Dan Wilmer, joins Beet.TV’s latest segment in collaboration with DeepIntent to discuss how the companies partnered to use data-driven capabilities and drive unprecedented ROI through a multi-channel brand campaign.

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TrendTalks Pharma Pinpoint Marketing

#TrendTalks - Pharma's Pinpoint Marketing

Via Everyday Health →
Everyday Health Professional participated in MM+M annual #TrendTalks event, gathering together a group of seasoned pharma marketers and other industry experts for a virtual roundtable led by MM+M’s editor-at-large, Marc Iskowitz. The discussion, largely driven by key data points garnered from MM+M’s annual Healthcare Marketers Survey, asked participants to weigh in on what marketing will look like in a post-COVID era, how the pandemic has forced many companies to make drug launches more patient-centric and whether pharma’s reputation for being late adaptors has been forever changed.

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DHC Events

May Virtual Summit Series

DATE: May 5-6th 2021
TIME: 12PM - 1:30PM CT

Join fellow colleagues and pharmaceutical marketers, researchers, and thought leaders for a virtual innovation Summit hosted by the Digital Health Coalition (DHC) and AbbVie. Over the course of two days, you will hear from presenters and panelists in an interactive virtual format about HCP engagement trends and the next generation of customer experience.

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DHC Content

How HCPs Use Social Media to Test Your Knowledge

Test Your HCP Social Media IQ

Take this 2-minute quiz to test your HCP Social IQ and immediately receive customized next step resources based on your score.

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